Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Handling of Personal Information

The Marathon Festival Nagoya Aichi Organizing Committee (hereinafter called the “Committee”) makes necessary preparations to hold the Nagoya Women’s Marathon, the Nagoya City Marathon, and the Marathon EXPO every year in March. The Committee recognizes the importance of protecting all personal information in the events and other projects, complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, strives to properly manage and protect personal information, and handles it appropriately based on the following policies.

  • (1) The Committee will acquire personal information by lawful and fair means.
  • (2) When collecting personal information, the Committee will do so legally and fairly within the necessary scope after clarifying the purpose.
  • (3) The Committee will use encryption technology (SSL) for the provided personal information to ensure security.
  • (4) The Committee will use personal information within the purpose of use indicated at the time of acquisition, etc., and to the extent necessary for the performance of its operations.
  • (5) When the Committee uses personal information jointly with a third party or entrusts the handling of personal information to a third party, the Committee will conduct a strict investigation of the third party and supervise them in a necessary and appropriate manner for the safe management of personal information.
  • (6) The Committee will maintain the accuracy of personal information and manage it safely. The Committee will take appropriate measures to prevent the loss, leakage, or falsification of personal information. In addition, personal information that is no longer required to possess will be promptly and securely deleted and destroyed.
  • (7) The Committee will strive to continuously improve the protection of personal information.

1.Personal Information that We Handle

  • (1) The Committee handles the following personal information of runners, runners’ companions, volunteers, race officials, and personnel involved in the events (hereinafter collectively called the “Participants”) who participate in the events and related projects (including those who apply for participation).
    • i) Participants’ name, gender, date of birth, age, address, and phone number (including cell phone; the same shall apply hereinafter), email address, and nationality.
    • ii) Name, phone number, and relationship of Participants’ emergency contact
  • (2) The Committee also handles the following personal information when necessary.
    • i) Participating runners’ registration status in the Japan Association of Athletics Federations (JAAF) and their JAAF ID
    • ii) Participants’ disability status and types of disabilities
    • iii) Volunteers’ skills to have daily conversations in foreign languages and/or sign language
  • (3) When Participants participate in the events and related projects, in addition to the above personal information, the Commission will obtain and handle the following information: Participants’ body temperature, information entered on the Health Check Sheet (name, address, activity history up to the day of appearance, etc.), presence or absence of symptoms of suspected infection, and runners’ records (including intermediate records and location information).
  • (4) In case when first-aid or transport to a hospital is required, necessary information will be additionally collected and handled, such as the name and phone number of the accommodation, illness currently being treated, medication currently being taken, allergies, name of the injury or illness, symptoms, place of occurrence, and details of treatment. In addition, when a Participant is transported to a hospital, necessary information will be collected from the hospital and handled, such as the name of the injury or illness, the course of symptoms, the course of treatment, and prescriptions for the purpose of post-accident handling and the review and improvement of safety-related matters such as the assignment of first-aid staff and the deployment of emergency vehicles at the future events.

2.Purpose of Use of Personal Information

For the purpose of providing better services to the Participants, obtained personal information will be used for the participation guidance, notification of records and other related information, provision of service from event sponsors, supporters, and concerned organizations, publication of results (rankings), etc.

3.Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Committee will not provide personal information to a third party without obtaining the consent of Participants, except in the following cases.

  • (1) When personal information is provided within the scope required for the execution of the Committee's operations.
  • (2) When it is necessary to provide personal information to related businesses (including World Marathon Majors LLC, based in the United States of America, which organizes the Abbott World Marathon Majors) and contractors within the scope required for the operation of the events.
  • (3) When the provision of personal information is required to mail printed materials, etc. from the Committee.
  • (4) When personal information is provided to administrative agencies, public health centers, or medical institutions for the purpose of preventing the spread of infectious diseases, etc.
  • (5) When the provision of personal information is required for administrative procedures for coverage of accident insurance.
  • (6) When videos, photographs, articles, records, location information, and Participants’ names, ages, dates of birth, addresses (country and prefecture or city/town/village), etc. of the events and related projects are reported, posted, or used in TV, newspapers, magazines, the Internet, social media, and publications, etc.
  • (7) When Participants’ names, addresses, contact information, and medical histories, etc., are provided to medical institutions or emergency teams in the event that a Participant is injured or becomes ill during the events or related projects.
  • (8) When the provision of personal information is required to protect human lives, bodies, or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the relevant Participants.
  • (9) When the provision of personal information is required by laws, regulations, etc.

Events’ Official Social Media Accounts

Commission manages the Nagoya Women’s Marathon’s official Facebook page and Instagram account and the Marathon Festival Nagoya Aichi’s official Facebook page (hereinafter called the “Pages”) in accordance with the following policies. Please read and agree to these policies before using the Pages.

1.Purpose of Operation

The Committee operates the Pages to provide a wide range of information, including information on the events and tourism, so that visitors of the Pages may feel more familiar with the events and related projects.

2.Basic Operational Information

3.Main Content to be Posted

  • (1) Information on the events and related projects, promotions, etc.
  • (2) Information on the event volunteers
  • (3) Emergency contact information for the events and related projects
  • (4) Others

4.Response to Comments, etc.

Please note that in principle, we do not provide individual responses to comments, etc. posted on the Pages. However, we will share such comments and suggestions within the Committee and take them sincerely and seriously, except for those fall under Clause 5 below.

5.Prohibitions Regarding the Use of the Pages

Please refrain from posting the following types of comments when using the Pages. If a user's comment is deemed to fall under any of the following items, all or part of the comment may be deleted without prior notice.

  • (1) Comments that violate, or may violate, laws or regulations.
  • (2) Comments that slander or defame a specific individual, company, country, or region.
  • (3) Comments whose authenticity cannot be confirmed, such as rumors, theories, and calumny.
  • (4) Comments that violate public order or good morals.
  • (5) Comments that are inappropriate and contain obscene expressions, etc.
  • (6) Comments that discriminate against human rights, ideology, beliefs, etc., or encourage discrimination.
  • (7) Comments that are intended for political or religious activities.
  • (8) Comments that are intended for advertising, promotion, solicitation, business activities, or any other commercial purposes.
  • (9) Comments that may infringe on the intellectual property rights of the Organizing Committee or third parties, such as copyrights, trademarks, and portrait rights.
  • (10) Comments that relate to personal privacy that identify, disclose, or leak personal information without the consent of the relevant individual.
  • (11) Comments that are false or untrue, such as those that impersonate others, including the Committee.
  • (12) Comments that contain harmful programs, etc.
  • (13) Consecutive comments/posts from the same user in a short period of time.
  • (14) Comments that violate the Facebook/Instagram terms of use.
  • (15) Any other comments that the Committee deems inappropriate for the operation of the Pages, such as those that harm or cause disadvantages to others.
  • (16) Links/URLs of websites, etc., that contain the content described in (1) through (15) above.

6.Intellectual Property Rights

All intellectual property rights (trademarks, copyrights, etc.) related to the individual information (text, photographs, illustrations, etc.) on the Pages belong to the Committee or the original authors, etc. The content of the Pages may not be reproduced or diverted without permission, except in cases permitted under the Copyright Act, such as reproduction for personal use or quotation. However, there is no problem in posting information using the "share" function of the Pages.


  • (1) The Committee endeavors to ensure, but does not necessarily guarantee, the accuracy, completeness, and usefulness, etc., of the information provided on the Pages.
  • (2) In no event shall the Committee be liable for any losses or damages incurred by a user or a third party as a result of the user's use or reliance on the information provided on the Pages.
  • (3) The Committee shall not be responsible for any information or contents that are posted, etc., by users.
  • (4) The Committee shall not be responsible for any losses or damages caused to users or third parties due to troubles between users or between users and third parties.
  • (5) In addition to (1) through (4) above, the Committee shall not be liable for any losses or damages caused by or in connection with the matters related to the Pages.

Please note that this Privacy Policy may be changed by the Committee without notice.

Marathon Festival Nagoya Aichi Organizing Committee

Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Official Car
Bronze Sponsor
Official Timer
Official Bread
Official Sponsor
Official Supplier
Official Photo Service
Official Supporter